Boating Safety Resources List - Transport Canada
Link to boating safety resources


Chart 1 cover page

Chart 1 - listing all chart symbols - 2023 edition (Canadian Hydrographic Services)

Chart 1 is a publication containing explanations of the symbols, abbreviations and terms needed to interpret nautical charts published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. Member nations of the International Hydrographic Organization produce Chart 1 using a common format. That common format consists of sections identified by letters and symbols, abbreviations or terms identified by a reference number

Government of Canada Nautical Publications - Hydrographic and Coast Guard

Hydrographic Publications header

Government of Canada Nautical Publications - Hydrographic and Coast Guard

These offer a wide range of nautical publications that are indispensable companions to charts, enhancing safety at sea. You are required to carry on board the most recent local chart. There is a cost for Canadian printed and electronic charts.

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce) 

NOAA charts are free to download. Note that charts that include both US and some Canadian waters are available from NOAA.

Links to NOAA charts

Click the image below or here to read about NOAA sunsetting paper nautical charts

farewell to paper charts
Open CPN

Free Open Source Chartplotter and Marine GPS Navigation Software - Uses a variety of chart formats including vector and raster charts. You can download charts for USA waters from NOAA.

Link to OpenCPN chart plotter software

Sailign directions cover page


Lake Ontario -  Sailing Directions  (Canadian Hydrographic Services)

Used for planning and assisting in navigation because they provide information that cannot be shown on a chart. These are available for sailing areas across Canada.




Toronto Port Permit (PVOP)

Recreational boaters operating a powered vessel within the Port and Harbour of Toronto must be in possession of BOTH a Powered Vessel Operator’s permit and a Pleasure Craft Operator Card.

Link to Toronto Port PVOP page
Instructional videos from the ASA (American Sailing Association)

Collision Regulations (Colregs)

The Collision Regulations are an important document for anybody who uses the water- they are the international rules of the road. 

Canadian Colregs

link to boat scenario software

Boats - Boat scenario

a race scenario drawing tool for Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD and ChromeOS and a Youtube video how to use this.