On water skills, as shown in the Sail Canada Basic Cruising Standard are evaluated while sailing. On one of the last days of the course you will complete the written test. By then you will be have covered the content with on-water and ashore lessons. 

 The written test is 2 hours, closed book.  140 points out of 200 is a pass. Using a list of boat parts, you will identify them from a numbered drawing. You will need to identify points of sail and boat tack from a diagram. Safety equipment and safe operation are tested using multiple choice or short sentence answers. The test is based on the knowledge described in the Sail Canada Basic Cruising Standard. The test is marked that day and you will know your result.

To achieve the Sail Canada Basic Cruising Standard both the on-water and written objectives need to be completed within twelve months. The content is reviewed in this Basic Cruising presentation. (pdf 13 MB file)

Bsic Cruising presentation title page. Click to download the full pdf